Happenings in Vlads day

Regarding Vlad Tepes

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Happenings in Vlads day

Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

Here are some cool details about Vladislav III and his time:

* Vladislav III was 21 years old when Leonardo De Vinci was born. Leonardo De Vinci was 23 years old when Vladislav III died.

* Vladislav III PERSONALLY knew St. Juan of Capistrano.

* The Beretta Firearms manufacturer was founded 5 years before Vladislav III was born and reason suggests that Vladislav III had used Beretta firearms in his army.

* Vladislav III died 16 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the western hemisphere.

* Vladislav III was born the year after St. Joan of Ark was executed.

* In terms of death toll and fighting troops involved, some suggest that the battle of Nandorfehervar (Belgrade) was larger then Normandy (D-Day) and the battle held the same importance.

* Vladislav IIIs role in the Ottoman War was equivalent to General Patens role in WW II. Janos Hunyadis role in the Ottoman War was comparable to General Eisenhower’s role in WW II.

* Vladislav III was the only single man in the world who Mehmed III was openly afraid of.
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