Vlad's REAL personality

Regarding Vlad Tepes

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Vlad's REAL personality

Post by Shish-kabob-Forrest »

I've been doing ALLOT of homework on this guy, trying to build a picture of his personality.

What I have found is downright comical when you compare him with the popular vampire.

If he spoke English (and he probably did, though probably only knew a few basic phrases) he obviously would have had an accent similar to the stereotypical vampire accent, but the similarities between the vampire and real man seam to end there.

From what I have been able to dig up, he would have been extremely articulate on legal/political/diplomatic matters and only for those occasions. We're talking more of a dry "intellectual" type of behavior then romantic. Much like what you'd expect to see in a court session.

But in day to day life, this guy would have had to have had a personality somewhere in between a cowboy and a drill sergeant.

So the real man would have been much less like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbqQ1mRq2JY

and much more like this:
Blessed is he who shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is his brother's keeper. And I will strike down those who attempt to destroy my brothers and you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
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Vlad Personality

Post by RealVlad »

I think you are pretty close in your speculation. He had a dry humor a sick humor at that!
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